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3 Tip To Develop Your Cleaning Routine

August 28, 20242 min read

You need an effective and efficient cleaning routine to run a successful and profitable cleaning business. Without one you're wasting time, losing money, and working harder than necessary!

Let me share three tips to help you either get started or fine-tune your current routine. But remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to cleaning efficiently! There’s no "magic" method that will instantly turn you into a top cleaning pro. It takes time, practice, and patience.

1. Use a Cleaning Checklist

When I started my business almost 30 years ago, I didn't have cleaning checklists. Back then, it took me 4-5 hours to clean a single house! Over time, I developed my own routine, simplifying my cleaning process while keeping my clients happy. This allowed me to work less while earning more.

One of the key factors in this was creating cleaning checklists. These checklists are essential—they keep both you and your client on the same page and streamline your tasks.

I see so many of my students stressing out, thinking they need to tackle every tiny nook and cranny every single time. But that mindset can hurt your business. Why? Because you’re in business to make money, not just to clean.

cleaning checklist

2. Clean from Top to Bottom and Left to Right

Always start cleaning from the top down. Whether you’re tackling a detailed bathroom clean or just your daily routine, working from top to bottom ensures you don’t miss anything.

For example, start by cobwebbing around the room from left to right, then move to mirrors, vanities, sinks, and so on. Establishing this routine will help you work more efficiently.

cleaning supplies

3. Keep Your Supplies With You

This might seem like a no-brainer, but it's crucial. Keep all your cleaning products in one bucket or caddy that you carry from room to room. This saves you time and energy by eliminating trips back and forth to grab supplies.

And when you're done, put everything back in the bucket, keeping things simple. Especially when you're just starting out, simplicity is key.

I also suggest sticking to the basics with your supplies. Over the years, I’ve seen many other cleaning services use far too many products, which is overkill and a waste of time and money. This is your business, so run it in a way that works best for you. For me, less is more.

These three tips will help you clean more efficiently and effectivly and develop a simple cleanig routine of your own.

I hope you find them helpful!

Want a copy of my cleaning checklist Get Them Here

Get me Free Cleaning Business Start-Up Supplies Checklist here

Trisha Carinne

Trisha Carinne is a 30+ years successful cleaning business owner

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