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Why Walkthroughs A Key In a Successful Cleaning Business

September 03, 20243 min read

Walkthroughs are a vital step in establishing a successful cleaning business. They allow you to assess the scope of work, understand client expectations, and build a strong rapport from the start.

In this blog post, we'll explore why conducting thorough walkthroughs can set your cleaning business apart, helping you secure higher-paying clients, create tailored service plans, and ensure long-term client satisfaction.

By taking the time to meet potential clients in person and evaluate their needs, you'll position your business as professional, trustworthy, and committed to delivering exceptional results.

Going on a walkthrough when you’re just starting out can feel a bit overwhelming. You might not be sure what questions to ask or worry about what the client might ask you. And you might be concerned that they’ll know this is one of your first times. But if you stay calm and have a solid walkthrough process, you’ll be just fine. The key is to keep things simple, be honest in your responses, and never compromise your integrity.

One thing I always recommend is getting on the phone to prescreen your potential client before booking the walkthrough. This helps you figure out if they’re a good fit and sets the stage for a smooth walkthrough.

girl on phone

Many of my clients tell me: “I don’t want to waste time going to a potential client’s home for an estimate. What if they don’t  book the cleaning?” I drove there for nothing!”

I get it, but here’s the thing—what happens when you book the cleaning over the phone or through text, and then you show up to find the house is way dirtier than the client let on? Or it’s much bigger than you expected, or maybe the client isn’t someone you want to work with at all. That’s a real time-waster.

You might even risk getting a bad review if you quoted a price, then had to increase it once you saw the actual condition. Or, you stick to your original price, spend double the time cleaning, and end up making no money—or worse, have to come back another day to finish!

This is why I always recommend doing in-home estimates—and I always use my Estimate Pack to make the process smoother and more professional.

When you go in person, you get to see the real condition of the home—something pictures just can’t capture.

During the walkthrough, I’m actually interviewing the potential client. I’m figuring out if this is someone I want to work with. Is this house something I can work with and give my client great results? 

Are there any issues  like old stains in the shower, scratched-up stovetops, or damaged furniture—stuff I always point out during the walkthrough and make my client aware of also.


The walkthrough is the perfect time to build a relationship with the client. I explain how I work, what I will and won’t clean (which is super important), Reviewing my cleaning checklists and policies ( using my estimate pack) then book the cleaning then and there. 

And my booking average was 85-90%. I equate this high booking rate to going in person to meet the potential client, being confident but personable, professional while listening to their needs. 

I have also found that doing in home walkthroughs also help you charge more and attract better-quality, recurring clients.

My Estimate Pack is a big reason why I’ve booked so many clients. It helps me look professional and stay organized throughout the entire process.

The more walkthroughs you do the better you will get, you gain more confidence and you will develop your own system. But if you want to jumpstart this you can get your own copy of my Estimate Pack here

Trisha Carinne

Trisha Carinne is a 30+ years successful cleaning business owner

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