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Essential Cleaning Business Start-Up Checklist

August 30, 20242 min read

Starting your business with solid systems in place can be a Game-Changer for your business. It’s going to save you time, keep everything organized, and give you a clear path to follow, making the whole process of starting and running your business so much easier.

When you're a house cleaning business it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the tasks that need to be done. You might wonder, "Where do I even begin?" or "What’s the next step?" That uncertainty can stop many people before they even get started.

confused lady with cleaning supplies

That’s why having systems and checklists is crucial. They help you stay on track, move faster, and save both time and money. Plus, they help you avoid the stress and frustration that can come from feeling overwhelmed.

So, here’s your first checklist to get you going…

There isn’t one perfect way to start—just start!

Keep in mind that laws and state regulations vary, so make sure you check what’s required in your specific state.

  1. Check to see if you need licensing, permits, etc. I highly recommend making an appointment with your local SBDC (Small Business Development Center) and visiting the IRS website: IRS Starting a Business.

  2. Choose your business structure (typically DBA/Sole Proprietor or LLC).

  3. Choose a name for your business.

  4. Register your business name.

  5. Open a business bank account

  6. Get insurance.

  7. Get your supplies.

  8. Create a Facebook business page.

  9. Get business cards.

  10. Make flyers.

  11. Start talking to people about your business.

  12. Get listed in Google My Business.

The following systems will help you get your business off to a strong start and set you up for Quick Profitability so, it’s important to start developing them as soon as possible:

  • Develop a cleaning routine that’s both effective and efficient.

  • Create policies for your business.

  • Develop cleaning checklists.

  • Develop agreements.

Having solid policies in your cleaning business is crucial, so I’m offering a free copy of the exact policies I created and used in my business. Get your copy Here

Or, if you want access to all my cleaning business forms, Click Here

Trisha Carinne

Trisha Carinne is a 30+ years successful cleaning business owner

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